Bosslady on Bootstrap Queen Podcast


North’s very own Allison North Jones recently teamed up with The Bootstrap Queen Podcast host Shennice Cleckley to talk about the emotion of authenticity. During the episode, Allison shares how being her authentic self has proven to be a driving factor in the success of her career. From the time she started out as a journalist to starting her own successful public relations firm, Allison has been unapologetically herself – and it has served her well. “When you’re being authentic, when you’re being true to yourself and uncompromising about your authenticity, you get results,” she explains in the podcast. 

The two women discuss the importance of remaining true to yourself in both your career and your personal life, especially in the chaos of this day and age. Authenticity looks different for everyone but is a strength for all – especially for women. Knowing who you are and sticking to it, despite the opinions the rest of the world may voice, is one of the best advantages you can have. In the words of Shennice, this is a true “superpower.”

Tune in to The Bootstrap Queen Podcast and join Allison and Shennice as they get real about struggles, successes, and the emotion of authenticity.

Click here to listen to this episode.