Healthy Habits to Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine

As a Creative, it is very easy for me to get distracted and pulled in several directions. Having a routine is crucial; otherwise, I’m crashing in my bed at night wondering how I did so much yet nothing at all. Here are some habits I work to incorporate in my life on an (almost) daily basis:

Morning Routine: I’m an early riser so I take advantage of the time I have before my sons wake up and I have to start getting them ready for school. My morning routine consists of reading a couple pages from a few books – in current rotation:  Daily Meditations from the Mat, The Daily Stoic, plus an indulgent fiction book, journaling, yoga or some other workout, and writing in my planner.

Write it all down: As I mentioned above, I journal and write in my daily planner. I tend to have way too many things running through my mind so taking pen to paper really helps. When I journal I write about whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t have to make sense – it just needs to leave my brain. I usually take time on Sunday to brainstorm a broad list of what I need to do for the week and I write it all down – even if the task is a given, like drinking enough water or reading. Again, get it out of your head. Then, throughout the week, I will plug in whatever else needs to be done.

Sleep: I’ve been working on getting more hours. I don’t always get the suggested eight but I am trying to cut down on habits that can be time suckers – mainly doom-scrolling on the phone.

Also, naps are your friend. Let’s end the stigma of resting through the day makes you lazy.

Give yourself grace: Things beyond our control will occur. It’s ok, start over the next day.

Follow Shanika at @shanikapichey @sebastianharper and @selfcreatedpodcast and @shanikapicheyphoto