I contemplated writing this blog post for at least two weeks before I put my pen to paper, so to speak. As communications professionals it is our job to help others communicate, so when I was asked to write a blog post outlining guidance for businesses and nonprofits celebrating Black History Month, that was my first thought.
I can tell you about the history of the month, why it’s celebrated and why or why not your organization should participate in recognizing the history of people of color both in our country and around the world – all of which should be shared.
The most important thing to consider, though, is whose voices we can elevate this month as we recognize, honor and celebrate the contributions of Black Americans throughout history. . Whose story can you help share? Who in your community or field can you support through actions? What can you do that will lift these voices throughout the year – not just in February?
This month should also be a reminder to examine the systems and policies currently in place and ask ourselves how we can be better. What systemic changes are needed to create a more inclusive society? Ask yourself how you can contribute to change in your industry and in your community.
Black History Month is a time to honor the contributions of people of color throughout history, and is also a time to increase awareness about the work that still needs to be done by all of us. This is an opportunity to have a dialogue with colleagues, community members, and those within your field about the stories they have to share and the changes they would like to see. Make this a time not just of remembrance, but one of awareness where those of us who are not people of color listen and learn with open minds and hearts.
“Don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” – Michelle Obama