Boss Talk – Leading Ladies

December 21, 2018

In December, North hosted our second Boss Talk, titled, “Leading Ladies.”

This event’s panel featured Melissa Stone, Monica Russell, and Carrie Litherland, all of whom have been involved at some level of local, state, or federal politics and currently reside in the Tallahassee community.

The panel of “leading ladies” had the opportunity to share their stories and engage with another packed room of boss ladies! During the event, the room of bosses explored everything from community engagement, career advice, making your voice heard, seeking balance, and even how this is, “the greatest generation of women!”

In case you weren’t able to make it to December’s Boss Talk, here are some of our favorite quotes from what the Leading Ladies had to offer our community:

Carrie Litherland:

“It’s okay to say, right at this moment, I am not good. I am a little depressed right now and I need a little time on the couch, a little time with my therapist, and then I’ll get back to work. That is the biggest thing from my campaign that helped me get through it because it was a lot. Check in with your friends, check in and say I am not okay.”

Melissa Stone:

“It is estimated that in 2025, they call it the ‘flipping point’, that women will become the head-of-household earners. They will overtake men and the scale will flip to 51%. Realize that 2025 is our era. This is the greatest generation of women, they are right now; and I’m not saying that there won’t be a greater one but, in our lifetime, this is going to be the greatest generation.”

Monica Russell:

“‘Don’t ever make plans or make assumptions of your life before you’re living it.’ Whatever vision you have, don’t make decisions, especially career ones, based on what you think that’s going to be. Don’t say ‘Well, I can’t go do this job because I am going to have a child in five years.’ How do you know that? And even if you do, you just make adjustments and you figure it out and change. Be flexible and adaptable.”

Be sure to come to the next Boss Talk presented by North and join the conversation! You can join our community of #BossLadies by joining our Facebook group and following us on social media in order to stay up-to-date on upcoming events.